On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Doug El <doug...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to summarize some data to be queried and there are about 5 million raw 
> records a day I need to summarize. In a nutshell I don't think I'm laying it 
> out in an optimal fashion, or not taking advantage of some postgres features 
> perhaps, I'm looking for feedback.
> The raw incoming data is in the form of
> ip string uint uint uint uint
> So for any given record say:
> helloworld 1 2 3 4
> First, I need to be able to query how many total and how many unique requests 
> there were (unique by ip), over given time frame.
> So for the below data on the same day that's total two, but one unique
> helloworld 1 2 3 4
> helloworld 1 2 3 4
> Further for all fields (but ip which is not stored) I need to be able to 
> query and get total/unique counts based off any combination of criteria.
> So if I refer to them as columns A-E
> A               B               C               D               E
> string  uint    uint    uint    uint
> I need to be able and say how many where col A = 'helloworld' and say col C = 
> 4.
> Or  perhaps col E = 4 and col c < 3 etc, any combination.
> The only way I could see to do this was to take the 5 million daily raw 
> records, sort them, then summarize that list with total and unique counts as 
> so:
> A               B                       C               D               E     
>           F               G               H
> date    stringid        uint    uint    uint    uint    total   unique
> Primary key is A-F (date stringid uint uint uint uint)
> This gives me a summary of about 900k records a day from the 4 million raw.
> I have things organized with monthly tables and yearly schemas. The string 
> column also has its own monthly lookup table, so there's just a string id 
> that's looked up.
> The database however is still quite huge and grows very fast, even simple 
> daily queries are fairly slow even on a fast server. I have a few indexes on 
> what I know are common columns queried against but again, any combination of 
> data can be queried, and  indexes do increase db size of course.
> I feel like there's got to be some better way to organize this data and make 
> it searchable.  Overall speed is more important than disk space usage for 
> this application.
> Perhaps there are some native features in postgres I'm not taking advantage 
> of here, that would tip the scales in my favor. I've done a fair amount of 
> research on the configuration file settings and feel like I have a fairly 
> optimized config for it as far as that goes, and have done the things 
> mentioned here: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/SlowQueryQuestions
> Very much appreciate any suggestions, thank you in advance.

We run a nightly cron job that creates all the summary tables etc at
midnight.  On a fast machine it takes about 1 to 2 hours to run, but
makes the queries run during the day go from 10 or 20 seconds to a few
hundred milliseconds.

You might want to look into table partitioning and also materialized
views.  There's a great tutorial on how to roll your own at:


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