On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 19:39:36 +0000
Raymond O'Donnell <r...@iol.ie> wrote:

> On 28/12/2009 18:41, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> > I'd like to just dump the table schema without dumping the table
> > contend.

> pg_dump -s -t <table name> <db name>

My fault. I was not clear enough.
I'd like to make a "mostly" full backup, excluding from backup just
the data of some tables but backing up the schema of those tables.

mmm let me try if

pg_dump -Fc -Z9 -s -t *.cache* -d mydb > schema_only.bak
pg_dump -Fc -Z9 -T *.cache* -d mydb > nearly_full.bak

cat nearly_full.bak schema_only.bak | pg_restore -1 -d mydb

It seems it is working... I'll test if everything is there.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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