You can also have inheritance from animal, in such case you can have
partitioned different animals in different tables with their special
attributes in it.

then you will have:

create table animal(
  id serial,
  name varchar(20),
  age integer

create table elephant
elephants varchar(20)
        INHERITS (animal);

create table monkey
        (some_attr_that_only_have_monkey varchar(20)
        INHERITS (animal);

insert into elephant (name, age, some_attr_that_only_have_elephants)
values ('sophie',15,'lorem');

insert into monkey (name, age, some_attr_that_only_have_monkey)
values ('lory',3,'impsu');

You can look for diferents animals like this:

select name <> from animal;
select name <> from elephant;
select name <> from monkey;

I hope it helps.

2010/1/5 Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz <>

> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Antonio Goméz Soto
> <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a column in a table that contains the name of another table,
> > and the id in that table.
> >
> > I would like to use this in a join statement. Is that possible?
> not possible I'm afraid.
> But have a look at concept of inheritance for something that might
> suit you. Or just store everything in one table, but add new id to
> each row. That is what other half of the world uses.
> Also, when writing queries like that, consider using aliases for table
> name, for instance:
> select from animals a;
> makes life easier.
> hth
> --
> GJ
> --
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