On 01/06/2010 08:49 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
> Yan Cheng Cheok wrote:
>> The time taken to perform measurement per unit is in term of ~30
>> milliseconds. We need to record down the measurement result for every
>> single unit. Hence, the time taken by record down the measurement
>> result shall be far more less than milliseconds, so that it will have
>> nearly 0 impact on the machine speed (If not, machine need to wait for
>> database to finish writing, before performing measurement on next unit)

> Saving a piece of data to a hard disk permanently takes a few
> milliseconds.  As pointed out already, exactly how many depends on the
> drive, but it's probably going to be 8ms or longer on your system. 
> There are a few options here:

> 3) Write the data to a flat file.  Periodically import the results into
> the database in a batch.

> If you're OK with the possibility of losing a measurement in the case of
> a system crash, then you should just write measurements to a series of
> flat files, then have another process altogether (one that isn't holding
> up the machine) load those files into the database.  The fact that it

At my last company we built a system for use in semiconductor/flat-panel
display equipment and faced a very similar issue -- namely we needed to
collect 40+ parameters at 6 kHz from one source, and another 200+ at 6
kHz from a second source (and then sync them so they could be properly
analyzed). Our solution was similar to #3, except we didn't bother with
the flat file. We basically had a C++ process "catch" the incoming
stream of data into a memory buffer, and periodically bulk copy it into
the database using libpq COPY functions (see:



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