eps=# SELECT office_id, serial, commit_date, service_id, meter_id,
organization_reading, reading FROM meter_readings WHERE office_id =
134 AND serial = 27 AND commit_date = '2010-01-11' AND commit_time =
'13:44:37' AND person_id = 300871;

 office_id | serial | commit_date | service_id | meter_id |
organization_reading | reading
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |          2 | 71629130 |
    15518 |       0
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |          2 | 2668722  |
      616 |       0
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |         75 | 111029   |
     9505 |       0
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |          4 | 019210   |
      372 |       0
(4 rows)

How to get ?
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |          2 | {{71629130, 15518,
0}, {2668722, 616, 0}}
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |         75 | {111029, 9505, 0}
       134 |     27 | 2010-01-11  |          4  | {019210, 372, 0}

Thanks a lot!

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