Hi Everybody.

I have two questions.

1. We have a system that is accessed by Crystal reports which is in turned 
controlled by another (3rd party) system. Now, when a report takes too long or 
the user cancels it, it doesn't send a cancel request to Postgres. It just 
kills the Crystal process that works on it. 

As a result, the query is left alive on the Postgres backend. Eventually I get 
the message "Unexpected End of file" and the query is cancelled. But this 
doesn't happen soon enough for me - these are usually very heavy queries, and 
I'd like them to be cleaned up as soon as possible if the client connection 
has ended.

Is there a parameter to set in the configuration or some other means to 
shorten the time before an abandoned backend's query is cancelled?

2. I get the following message in my development database:

vacuumdb: vacuuming of database "reports" failed: ERROR:  invalid page header 
in block 6200 of relation "rb"

I had this already a couple of months ago. Looking around the web, I saw this 
error is supposed to indicate a hardware error. I informed my sysadmin, but 
since this is just the dev system and the data was not important, I did a 
TRUNCATE TABLE on the "rb" relation, and the errors stopped...

But now the error is back, and I'm a bit suspicious. If this is a hardware 
issue, it's rather suspicious that it returned in the exact same relation 
after I did a "truncate table". I have many other relations in the system, 
ones that fill up a lot faster. So I suspect this might be a PostgreSQL issue 
after all. What can I do about this?

We are currently using PostgreSQL v. 8.3.1 on the server side.


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