Greg Smith <greg <at>> writes:

> Looks to me like you're running into a general memory bandwidth issue 
> here, possibly one that's made a bit worse by how pgbench works.  It's a 
> somewhat funky workload Linux systems aren't always happy with, although 
> one of your tests had the right configuration to sidestep the worst of 
> the problems there.  I don't see any evidence that pgbench itself is a 
> likely suspect for the issue, but it does shuffle a lot of things around 
> in memory relative to transaction time when running this small 
> select-only test, and clients can get stuck waiting for it when that 
> happens.
> To put your results in perspective, I would expect to get around 25K TPS 
> running the pgbench setup/test you're doing on a recent 4-core/single 
> processor system, and around 50K TPS is normal for an 8-core server 
> doing this type of test.  And those numbers are extremely sensitive to 
> the speed of the underlying RAM even with the CPU staying the same.
> I would characterize your results as "getting about 1/2 of the 
> CPU+memory performance of an install on a dedicated 8-core system".  
> That's not horrible, as long as you have reasonable expectations here, 
> which is really the case for any virtualized install I think.  I'd 
> actually like to launch a more thorough investigation into this 
> particular area, exactly how the PostgreSQL bottlenecks shift around on 
> EC2 compared to similar dedicated hardware, if I found a sponsor for it 
> one day.  A bit too much work to do it right just for fun.

I can understand that I will not get as much performance out of a EC2 instance
as a dedicated server, but I don't understand why top(1) is showing 50% CPU
utilization. If it were a memory speed problem wouldn't top(1) report 100% CPU
utilization? Does the kernel really do a context shift when waiting for response
from RAM? That would surprise me, because to do a context shift it might need to
read from RAM, which would then also block. I still worry it is a lock
contention or scheduling problem, but I am not sure how to diagnose it. I've
seen some references to using dtrace to analyze PostgreSQL locks, but it looks
like it might take a lot of ramp up time for me to learn how to use dtrace.

Note that I can peg the CPU by running 8 infinite loops inside or outside the
database. I have only seen the utilization problem when running queries (with
pgbench and my application) against PostgreSQL. 

In any case, assuming this is a EC2 memory speed thing, it is going to be
difficult to diagnose application bottlenecks when I cannot rely on top(1)
reporting meaningful CPU stats.

Thank you for your help.

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