On 2010-02-03, Florent THOMAS wrote:
> Dear laurenz Albe,
> Thank you for answering so fast. for me, the variable ventilation_local
> is defined  as a record type. So as I wrote on the other mail, I made
> some additionnal test because the doc precise that the syntax above is
> allowed : http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/plpgsql-stateme
> I understood that in the Loop you can change the values of a
> variable! Exactly what I needed.
> but unfortunately all of this seems to be temporary.
> Consequently, the record in the table won't be updated by the
> changes we made on the local variable even if it points to a
> record in the table.
> I forgot the aspect of the cursor that is temporary.
> But in all the case, It could be a great improvement to let
> the syntax modify directly the table.
> I think I will find another way to do it. with EXECUTE!!
> Best regards  
> Le mercredi 03 février 2010 à 10:05 +0100, Albe Laurenz a écrit :
>       Florent THOMAS wrote:
>       > I'm currently running on pg8.4 and I have a trigger
> with a loop :
>       >
>       > FOR ventilation_local IN (SELECT * FROM XXX) LOOP
>       >     IF (mytest) THEN
>       >         ventilation_local.myfield:=mynewvalue;
>       >     END IF;
>       > END LOOP;
>       >
>       > my problem is that the record doen't accept the new value.
>       > I've chek before the value that is not null.
>       > Is it a fonctionnality accepted in pg8.4 on record type?
>       What do you mean by "the record doen't accept the new value"?
>       Can you show us some SQL statements that exhibit the problem?
>       Yours,
>       Laurenz Albe
A record variable is not a physical record. It is a type consisting of some 

  ventilation_local refcursor FOR SELECT * FROM XXX;
  OPEN ventilation_local;
  MOVE ventilation_local;
    UPDATE XXX SET myfield = mynewvalue WHERE CURRENT OF ventilation_local;
    MOVE ventilation_local;

This way, ventilation_local is not a record variable, but a cursor, which is 
indeed updatable.


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