On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Andy Dale <andy.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would consider telling Hibernate to log the SQL it is generating to a
> file. This can be done by setting the logging category org.hibernate.SQL to
> debug, and for the parameters used in the prepared statements I think you
> must also enable org.hibernate.type on debug (I have not managed to get this
> working under JBoss though).
> The produced output should look something like so:
> 2010-02-10 08:04:18,726 DEBUG [org.hibernate.SQL]
>     /* named HQL query MessagingSession.findMessages */ select
>         message0_.ID_ as col_0_0_
>     from
>         JBPM_MESSAGE message0_
>     where
>         message0_.DESTINATION_=?
>         and message0_.ISSUSPENDED_<>true
>         and (
>             message0_.EXCEPTION_ is null
>         )
> Cheers,
> Andy
> Hi Andy, thanks for replying.
I tried logging from hibernate before i tried in postgres logging, but there
the values are replaced with question marks.
I tried what you suggested (added   <logger name="org.hibernate.SQL"
level="debug"/> and   <logger name="org.hibernate.type" level="debug"/> to
but there are no messages from org.hibernate.type in the log, and there are
still question marks instead of values.

2010-02-10 09:44:04,228 DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL:401 - select nextval
2010-02-10 09:44:04,231 DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL:401 - insert into
schema.tabe (field1, field2, field3, ...) values (?, ?, ?, ...)
The actual values are not even logged at all. I'm looking to improve that
somehow, but to no success so far.

So i was hoping that i could use postgresql logging to catch the SQL that i



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