On Wednesday 10 February 2010 7:07:08 pm Wang, Mary Y wrote:
> Ok.  I typed the correct name this time, and got the same error.
> "drop trigger bug_assigned_to_fk on users;
> ERROR:  DropTrigger: there is no trigger bug_assigned_to_fk on relation
> users " "drop trigger bug_assigned_to_fk on bug;
> ERROR:  DropTrigger: there is no trigger bug_assigned_to_fk on relation
> bug" Here is my user table:
> \d users
>                                          Table "users"
>       Attribute       |         Type          |                    Modifier
> ----------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------
>------- -------------
>  user_id              | integer               | not null default
> nextval('users_pk _seq'::text)
>  user_name            | text                  | not null default ''
>  email                | text                  | not null default ''
>  user_pw              | character varying(32) | not null default ''
>  realname             | character varying(32) | not null default ''
>  status               | character(1)          | not null default 'A'
>  shell                | character varying(20) | not null default
> '/bin/bash' unix_pw              | character varying(40) | not null default
> '' unix_status          | character(1)          | not null default 'N'
> unix_uid             | integer               | not null default '0'
> unix_box             | character varying(10) | not null default 'shell1'
> add_date             | integer               | not null default '0'
> confirm_hash         | character varying(32) |
>  mail_siteupdates     | integer               | not null default '0'
>  mail_va              | integer               | not null default '0'
>  authorized_keys      | text                  |
>  email_new            | text                  |
>  people_view_skills   | integer               | not null default '0'
>  people_resume        | text                  | not null default ''
>  timezone             | character varying(64) | default 'GMT'
>  language             | integer               | not null default '1'
>  third_party          | integer               | not null default 1
>  personal_status      | character(32)         |
>  bemsid               | integer               |
>  sensitive_info       | character(64)         |
>  reason_access        | text                  |
>  organization         | text                  |
>  brass_first_time     | character(1)          | default '0'
>  mail_sitenews_update | integer               | default '0'
>  doclinks_sort_order  | character(1)          | default 'A'
> Indices: idx_users_username,
>          user_user,
>          users_user_pw
> Someone mentioned about using 'alter table'.  Would like would work?  But
> I'm not sure how to do it because \d doesn't show the constraint.
> Any ideas?
> Mary

For what it is worth the manuals for this version are here:

I do not see anything in the manual that shows ALTER TABLE being useful in this 
situation. I am afraid 7.1 is before my time and at this point I cannot think 
of a solution other than set the assigned_to value in bugs to NULL where 
assigned_to=user_id. Sort of negates the point of a relationship between bugs 
and users. Another option would be to create a 'dummy' user to 
whom 'unassigned ' bugs would be referenced.

Adrian Klaver

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