On 11/02/10 17:11, Moe wrote:
You might want to summarize down to a separate (word,frequency) table.
Particularly if you don't want stemming to interfere with your suggestions.

Stemming is ok. That's fine.

How would this normally be implemented?  Should I go through my text word by
word myself, or the already existing index and copy over to a new table? Not
sure how this would be managable. Every change to something would require a
word count down, and then a word up after.

I wouldn't bother keeping it 100% up-to-date. You only want the most-plausible suggestions anyway. Have a look at the ts_stat() function.


Run it overnight, and summarise to a separate table, then just use "like" against it.

Otherwise, like you say, your database will spend most of its time adding up word counts etc.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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