On 11/02/10 22:53, Greenhorn wrote:
But I seem to be getting (after the join) the sum of amount x count of
notes.  Can someone enlighten me with this problem?

   energy_accounts_id, count(note)
   ,sum(case when t.fin_year = 2010 and t.fin_quarter = 1
       then t.total_amount else 0 end) as amount_current
   ,sum(case when t.fin_year = 2009 and t.fin_quarter = 1
       then t.total_amount else 0 end) as amount_last
from energy_transactions t
  left join energy_notes n on (t.id = n.energy_transactions_id)
group by energy_accounts_id, total_amount

If you were to eliminate the group by and aggregates you would see one row for each match either side of the join. So - if t.id=123 had three notes then it would be repeated three times, with the details of each note. As a result, so is t.total_amount repeated three times. When you sum(t.total_amount) you will get three times the value you expected.

How to solve this? Split the two parts of the query and join their results. Something like:

  sum(coalesce(nc.note_count,0)) as note_count,
  sum(...) as amount_current,
  sum(...) as amount_last
  energy_transactions t
  SELECT energy_transactions_id AS id, count(*) AS note_count
  FROM energy_notes
  GROUP BY energy_transactions_id
) AS nc
ON t.id = nc.id

The idea is that the subquery contains only one row for each id on the other side of the join.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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