Here is a sample of the code which demonstrates the memory problem I am having.  The 
problem does not occur immediately after memory has been maxed
out.  It appears that there is an attempt to recover some memory, about 1 Kbytes,  
once max is near.  This works for about a half a day to one full day
until everything finally freezes up.

btw: This project has just been dropped into my lap this week, so please excuse my 
ignorance.  I am wading through one of my co-workers code and trying
to catch up on the research.  Your help is greatly appreciated. :)

Since my initial testing I have discovered that doing 1000 updates of 200 rows in a 
single transaction is sort of overkill.  Only the last 200 updates
will every be seen. Right? :)   The code demanstrates the problem nonetheless.


int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int i;
  PGconn *conn;    /* The connection to the database     */
  PGresult *res;   /* data structure holding query results */
  time_t start, end, stime;
  time_t begin;
  char lastValue[10];
  char query[250];
  int k;

  conn = PQconnectdb (CONNECTION_STRING);
  if (PQstatus (conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
    printf ("Unable to connect to database\n");
    return 1;

  time (&begin);

  for (k=0;;k++)
    time (&start);

    /* Create a transaction, so we can use cursors */
    res = PQexec (conn, "BEGIN");
    if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      PQclear (res);

    PQclear (res);

    for (i=0; i < 1000; i++)
      time (&stime);
      sprintf (lastValue, "%d%x", i, i);
      sprintf (query, DDT_UPDATE_REALTIME, lastValue, ctime (&stime));

      res = PQexec (conn, query);
      if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
        printf ("Error processing query\n");
        PQclear (res);
        return 1;

      /* PQcmdTuples returns an empty string if no rows were affected */
      if (strlen (PQcmdTuples (res)) <= 0)
        printf ("Error processing query\n");
        return FALSE;

      PQclear (res);

    res = PQexec (conn, "COMMIT");
    PQclear (res);

    res = PQexec (conn, "VACUUM ANALYZE");
    if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
      PQclear (res);

    PQclear (res);
    time (&end);

    printf ("Inner Loop %d, started: %s: Elapsed time: %d\n", k,
            ctime (&begin), (int) (end-start));

  PQfinish (conn);

  return 0;

Justin Foster wrote:

> I am using Postgres 7.0.2 :)
> Sorry about that.  I promise to put done my crack pipe before I send emails :)
> Joseph Shraibman wrote:
> > 7.1 is in development.  Things like this should be discussed in the
> > hackers list.
> >
> > Justin Foster wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > RedHat 7.0, Postgres 7.1 (libpq), Intel Cel 433, 64mb, 15g hd.
> > >
> > > I am running a test which performs 1000 transactions of 1000 updates of a single 
>column in a single table, or (1 tranaction = 1000 updates) *
> > > 1000.  I have no indecies for any of the columns and the table has 3 columns and 
>200 records.  I do a VACUUM ANALYZE after every transaction. A
> > > single transaction takes about 3-6 seconds.
> > >
> > > It appears that RAM decreases at about 10 to 100K a second until it is all gone. 
> Any thoughts on how I can optimise/configure the db to
> > > alleviate this problem?  Any hints on where this leak maybe occurring?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -justin
> >
> > --
> > Joseph Shraibman
> > Increase signal to noise ratio.

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