Thanks for your fast response

I have the following sql statement now :

CREATE INDEX xml_index
  ON time_series
  USING btree


And I am getting the following error :

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "["
LINE 6: ...butes/Attribute/Name/text()',external_attributes))[1]::text;

Any idea ?



On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:

> Chris Roffler <> writes:
> > I am trying to setup an index on an xpath expression but the query never
> > uses the index.
> > Could someone enlighten me please ?
> > Here is the setup :
> > CREATE INDEX xml_index
> >   ON time_series
> >   USING btree
> >   ((xpath('/AttributeList/Attributes/Attribute/Name/text()'::text,
> > external_attributes)::text[]));
> > And here is the query :
> > select id, name
> >  from
> >   time_series
> >  where
> >  (xpath('/AttributeList/Attributes/Attribute/Name/text()',
> > external_attributes))[1]::text='Attribute100'
> Doesn't work that way --- subscripting isn't an indexable operation.
> To make that query fast with a standard index, you'd need the index to
> be on
>         (xpath('/AttributeList/Attributes/Attribute/Name/text()',
>        external_attributes))[1]::text
>                         regards, tom lane

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