Dear, Psqlers,

I encountered an out of memory error during executing un INSERT into
table1(v1,v2,v3) SELECT  c1,c2,c3 from table2 where .....
The recordset of Select query  is around 30M record. And I got following
Message :

 -------  ERROR: out of memoryDETAIL: Failed on request of size 40.' in
'insert into  -------------------

I found my postgresql process used up 3G Memory . I guess postgresql try to
first get all the result of select , and then insert into Table . As the
process can't allocate more memory for result of select , and then I got OOM
error. Can someone verify my guess ? Or what else could be the reason of OOM

Is there any other ways to still insert same amount of data and avoid this
OOM error ?

Thanks ,

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