That was cool ! Thanks a ton. Got my things done.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 1:13 PM, John R Pierce <> wrote:

> dipti shah wrote:
>> Thanks Guys. DBI works fine. I have written below code but it executes
>> only on the server where I installed postgresql. Is there any way to run
>> this code from remote host. I get an error when trying to run it from remote
>> host. I think it is obvious because in below code there is no information
>> where to connect to. Could you please help me out.
>> use DBI;
>> $DB_name    = 'mydb';
>> $DB_user    = 'postgres';
>> $DB_pwd     = '';
>> $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$DB_name","$DB_user","$DB_pwd");
>> ...
> see 
> add ;host=hostname-or-ip to the connect string...

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