In response to Herouth Maoz <>:

> Hi all.
> We had a crisis this week that was resolved by tuning pg_autovacuum for a 
> particular table. The table is supposed to contain a small number of items at 
> any given point in time (typically around 10,000-30,000). The items are 
> inserted when we send out a message, and are selected, then deleted when a 
> reply to the message arrives. This may be done at a rather high rate - 
> sometimes a thousand a minute or around that.
> We found out that the table's response depends on the rate of ANALYZE being 
> performed. We have tuned the values in pg_autovacuum so that we have around 
> one analyze per minute.
> What is bothering me is that sometimes the auto vacuum daemon decides to 
> perform a vacuum analyze rather than just analyze. If it just does a vacuum 
> independent of the analyze, we don't see much impact on performance. But if 
> it does vacuum analyze, it means that until vacuum is over, it doesn't do 
> another analyze, and this may take about five minutes, in which our 
> performance under load conditions might deteriorate.
> Is there any way to cause pg_autovacuum not to choose vacuum analyze?
> I thought of changing the vacuum frequency to be rare - but then it might 
> take even longer to vacuum, and if a long vacuum analyze falls on a high load 
> time, although the chances are smaller, the risk is higher. We can't afford a 
> slowdown in that table.

Have you considered putting either vacuum or analyze on a manual schedule
with cron so you can control it better?  You could schedule a manual
analyze every minute and let autovacuum handle vacuuming, but it might
be better to explicitly schedule both of them so you have complete
control over when they run.

I did a couple of quick tests, and it doesn't seem as if a vacuum running
on one connection blocks an analyze running on another connection.

Bill Moran

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