In response to dipti shah :
> Hi, I have granted ALL permissions on 'techtable' to 'user1'.
>  techdb=# select pc.relname, pc.relacl from pg_class pc, pg_namespace pn where
> pc.relnamespace=pn.oid and pn.nspname='techdb' and pc.relname='techtable';
>  relname   |                              relacl
> -----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------
>  techtable | {postgres=arwdDxt/postgres,=ar/postgres,user1=arwdDxt/postgres}
> (1 row)
> Could anyone please tell me if there is any function or command in PostGreSql
> which returns True if given user has ALL permissions on given table? Is there

Sure, read

Andreas Kretschmer
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