Hi All,

I have written below trigger and applied on the table but it is giving
syntax error when it gets invoked. Could you please help me what is wrong? I
have given complete details here:

*my trigger function:*
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION techdb_logtable_trigger()
  RETURNS trigger AS
my $id    = $_TD->{new}{'id'};
my $query = "
   INSERT INTO log_table(id)
*   SELECT $1
   EXCEPT SELECT id   --> throwing error for here: syntax error at or near
   FROM loggingtable
   WHERE id = $1;";

if (exists($_SHARED{$query})) {
 $plan  = $_SHARED{$query};
} else {
 $plan  = spi_prepare($query, 'INTEGER');
 $_SHARED{$query} = $plan;
spi_exec_prepared($plan, '$id');

*Tables and trigger definitions:*

CREATE TABLE techdb_table( id integer NOT NULL,  info varchar NOT NULL );

CREATE TABLE log_table(  id integer NOT NULL,  txid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT
txid_current(),  txtime timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT transaction_timestamp());

 CREATE TRIGGER techdb_trigger
BEFORE INSERT ON techdb_table
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE techdb_logtable_trigger();

*Error message:*

Executing "insert into techdb_table values(1, 'test');" command gives below

ERROR:  error from Perl function "techdb_logtable_trigger": syntax error at
or near "EXCEPT" at line 15.
********** Error **********
ERROR: error from Perl function "techdb_logtable_trigger": syntax error at
or near "EXCEPT" at line 15.
SQL state: XX000


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