I am implementing some set-based trees in a table and I've been writing
some functions to manipulate (delete branch, insert node, move branch)
them and I've run into a problem with the move_branch function.

When I try a select move_tree(13, 25, 0); to move the branch labeled g
to be a child of the branch labeled i I get an ERROR:  Cannot insert a
duplicate key into unique index plan_items_pkey. Why is this happening,
I thought that the primary key constraints should be checked AFTER the
update is finished, am I wrong? Is there some other way to do this in a
single update or will I have to break it up? Can I defer constraint
checking on unique indexes? Any help would be appreciated.

I'll simplify my structure a little here:

create table plan_items (
  lft int4 not null,
  rgt int4 not null,
  name char(50) not null,

  primary key (lft),
  check (lft < rgt),
  check (lft > 0),
  check (rgt > 0)

copy plan_items from stdin;
1       28      a                                                  
2       11      b                                                  
3       8       e                                                  
4       5       j                                                  
6       7       k                                                  
9       10      f                                                  
12      21      c                                                  
13      20      g                                                  
14      15      l                                                  
16      17      m                                                  
18      19      n                                                  
22      27      d                                                  
23      24      h                                                  
25      26      i                                                   

And now for the function:

create function move_tree(integer, integer, integer)
  returns integer as '
  p_node alias for $3;
  p_parent alias for $4;
  p_brother alias for $5;

  droplft plan_items.lft%TYPE;
  droprgt plan_items.rgt%TYPE;
  newpos plan_items.lft%TYPE;
  select rgt
   into newpos
   from plan_items
   where lft = p_parent;

  if p_brother > 0 then
    select rgt + 1
     into newpos
     from plan_items
     where lft = p_brother;
  end if;

  select lft, rgt
   into droplft, droprgt
   from plan_items
   where lft = p_node;

  /* reorder nodes in position ??? */
  update plan_items set
   lft = case
    when lft between droplft and droprgt then
     lft + newpos - droprgt - 1
    when (lft < droplft) and (lft >= newpos) then
     lft + (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    when (lft > droprgt) and (lft < newpos) then
     lft - (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    else lft end,
   rgt = case
    when rgt between droplft and droprgt then
     rgt + newpos - droprgt - 1
    when (rgt < droplft) and (rgt >= newpos) then
     rgt + (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    when (rgt > droprgt) and (rgt < newpos) then
     rgt - (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    else rgt end;
' language 'plpgsql';

ashley clark

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