On 5/25/2010 2:58 AM, Hector Beyers wrote:
> No, I have not considered encrypting or decrypting data. The reason 
> for this is that I am trying to /secure a database/ by thinking like a 
> /malicious user / criminal/. I want to hide (for example) fraudulent 
> data on a database where it is not easily seen by others and then 
> build a tool to detect this hidden data.
> On your questions:
> *) What data is to remain secret?
> *) Who is allowed to see the secret data?
> *) When do they see it?
> *) What sacrifices are you willing to make to keep the data secret?
> *) Where are you going to store the key?
> the answers:
>     * fraudulent data / or data that needs to be hidden.
>     * only the malicious user - and hopefully later a detection
>       mechanism that I aim to build.
>     * I don't really have a preference on when they can see the data,
>       but maybe when you export a dump.
>     * The main purpose of hiding the data is that the normal users of
>       the database will not easily find the hidden data. If this
>       criteria is met, then any other sacrifices can be made.
>     * Still need to figure that one out.
> Any good brainstorming ideas will help!

Missed this bit prior to first responds.

I think some of the assumptions here are flawed.

If hacker actually got into a database why would they do this???  what 
is being accomplished???  why would anyone want to do this???

Again it would make allot more sense if a hacker stored data in plain 
site.  Create  tables that look like real tables following the same 
naming schema or use already existing tables like logs, Modify the 
tables adding columns to store data.  Then create/update records 
encrypting the contents, this would protect the contents from ever being 
read by anyone except by the creator.

Think this line through  how long would a Hacker go unnoticed if they 
used the already existing tables adding in columns or take over stale 
records like old customers that are no longer active.  Then use the text 
fields to store data.  The hacker could create normal user account to 
access those records throwing up no red flags.  How many people review 
table structures or update to already existing records.

The current crop of hackers are not hexeditor high-school wannabe's. 
Hackers want to go unnoticed for as long as they can so that means doing 
nothing out of ordinary that throws up red flags.

Just read up on the investigations on stolen credit cards.  Or fake ATMS 
that's been installed at malls.  The hackers/thieves figured out how to 
go unnoticed for long periods of time by appearing normal.

Second assumption is the hacker actual got a admin/root  level access  
to be able to do these kind of things.  This means security upfront was 
lacks which point there are far bigger problems than hidden data.

Far better way to secure is not trying think what they can do once they 
get access, but stop them getting in to start with.    If anyone gets 
this high level of access protecting from or figuring out if they have 
hidden data is immaterial to the problems someone has.

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