
I'm having problems installing PostgreSQL 8.4 on Windows 7. (See below)

I downloaded the install from Enterprise DB.

I attempted to install the same app on Windows XP.

Both installs gave the same error message.

Can anyone point me to a PostgreSQL installation for Windows that works?

Can anyone suggest a way around these problems. (Enterprise support has yet to 


I just downloaded and installed Postgresql 8.4 on Windows 7. 

During the installation there were two error messages. 

One indicated that PGAgent returned and error and the other gave no info but it 
was installing the Stack Builder at the time. 

At the end of the installation I was informed that 2 installations were 
skipped. (no indication of which ones although I assume one was PGAgent) 

When I Attempted to connect the PG Admin to the server it refused the logon 
indicating the Server had not been started - System 5 error. 

I attempted to start the server by right clicking on 'Start' and clicking 'Run 
as administer'. I got a message that there was a Logon problem  = Catch 22. 

It seems that your firm is the only source for PostgreSQL downloads, so, 
perhaps you could suggest a way around these installation errors?? 

Bob Pawley 

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