On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:40:29AM -0700, DM wrote:
>    Thanks everyone,
>    I will wait for Postgres 9.0 to implement this feature then. Thanks

The contrib module supports enforcement of only some of the things you've
listed you want. For other items on your list (notably renewal), you're better
off integrating with some external authentication provider, as has been
suggested elsewhere in this thread.


>    Thanks
>    Deepak
>    On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Joshua Tolley <eggyk...@gmail.com>
>    wrote:
>      On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 06:01:24PM -0700, DM wrote:
>      >    How to force postgres users to follow password standards and
>      renewal
>      >    policies?
>      >    Thanks
>      >    Deepak
>      9.0 will ship with a contrib module called "passwordcheck" which will
>      enforce
>      some of these things, FWIW.
>      --
>      Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
>      End Point Corporation
>      http://www.endpoint.com
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