2010/6/16 Filip RembiaƂkowski <filip.rembialkow...@gmail.com>:
> 2010/6/15 Allan Kamau <kamaual...@gmail.com>
>> I do have a PL/SQL function that gets executed called many times but
>> with different parameter values each of these times. For most
>> invocations of this function run in a couple of seconds however some
>> invocations of the same function run (on the same dataset) for hours
>> with very little disk activity but high CPU.
>> How can I monitor the actual DB activities during such times so I may
>> better understand what the situation truly is.
> You can monitor system parameters (CPU, disk IO, memory) with standard
> OS-specific tools (on Unix: top, ps iostat,vmstat)
>> I have seen some users
>> on this list posting some complex log/outputs, this are the kind of
>> outputs I would like to capture and view. Where are they?
> they are mostly in log files or output from EXPLAIN ANALYZE command
> for general info see
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-logging.html
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/using-explain.html
> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Performance_Optimization
> and this list archives.
> Filip

Thank you Filip, Craig and Dimitri, I will implement the trace tools as advised.


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