I have a JOIN error that is rather opaque...at least to me.

I've using other JOIN queries on this project, which seem very similar to
this one, which looks like:

SELECT S.subjectid,STY.studyabrv,labID,boxnumber,wellrow,wellcolumn
FROM DNASample D, IBG_Studies STY, Subjects S, ibg_projects P
  LEFT OUTER JOIN ibg_ps_join IPJ USING (dnasampleid)
        AND STY.studyindex=D.studyindex
        AND IPJ.projects_index=P.ibg_projects_index
ORDER BY studyabrv,boxnumber,wellcolumn,wellrow

But when I run it I get this error:

ERROR:  column "dnasampleid" specified in USING clause does not exist in
left table

I am rather mystified by this, since this field is definitely in the
dnasample table, as the primary key. Nor do not see how to start debugging
such an error. Any suggestions appreciated...


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