Szymon Guz <> wrote:

> I've got a file with many SQL queries, also some function definitions and so
> on. I'd like to load it to database, but using some library like
> JDBC/ODBC/DBI, not using the obvious psql. Do you know how I could load
> those many queries? Usually there could be loaded only one query, I saw that
> psql parses the file looking for the semicolon.

> Is there any other way than parsing the file and loading queries one by one?

Is your file "friendly" or arbitrary? With DBI, you can exe-
cute several commands in one do() call, but you cannot split
one command across several calls. The PostgreSQL frontend/
backend protocol seems to allow that by a cursory look, but
that's *very* far from JDBC/ODBC/DBI.

  If there are no guarantees on the format of your file, I
would try to adapt psql's psqlscan.l & Co.


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