
I just finished defining a couple of tables with PgAdmin III and I'm
seeing something peculiar.  I'm not sure what the problem is.  When I
connect to the DB using psql and do "\d <table>" I get an error saying
that there's not relations by that name.  What?  When I do, "\d" I see
the tables listed.  Here's a sample of the output:

cgems=# \d
        List of relations
 Schema |  Name   | Type  | Owner
 public | Mineral | table | cgems
 public | Stone   | table | cgems
(2 rows)

cgems=# \d Stone
Did not find any relation named "Stone".

I'm guessing that it has something to do with permissions, but I'm
connecting using psql using the same UID that made the DB and the
tables.  If I connect to the DB using the UID of the table owner, I
get the same response.

Thanks for any help,

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