On Jul 19, 2010, at 10:43 AM, Jennifer Trey wrote:

> No.... I don't want to drop it ... there is valuable data in there! I only 
> want to create it if it doesn't already exist... likely going to happen first 
> time the application will run. I want to create the table then and populate. 
> But not the next time.
> Should I just let Java throw and exception and catch it ? Write a function 
> for this would be optimal, although I have no idea what the correct syntax is.
> Cheers, Jen

Try something like this:

    create or replace function build_foo_table() returns void as $$
      create table foo (bar int);
    $$ language sql;

    select case when (select count(*) from information_schema.tables where 
table_name='foo')=0 then build_foo_table() end;

    drop function build_foo_table();


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