-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] NASA needs Postgres - Nagios help
From: Sean E. Connolly <connoll...@yahoo.com>
To: Michael Friedrich <michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at>, daniel.p.duncav...@nasa.gov, brian.d.mar...@nasa.gov
Date: 2010-07-19 21:23

Fine, so there will be a lot of boring modifying of the src and associated scripts (if the license permits), but "Not Supported" doesn't mean it can't be done. It all depends on how much hacking one wants to do.

Well depends if boring or not - more refreshing than libdbi it will be, just like ocilib was on Oracle. I am familiar with the code, so let's see. I've started a little research today on libpq and also prepared the IDOUtils source for usage with libpq.


Licensing problems shouldn't happen in case of GPL on *DOUtils.

Maybe I am reading it wrong, but nagios/ndoutils-1.4b9/src/db.c is loaded with #ifdef USE_PGSQL connection functions. Some of the PGSQL specific functions in ndo2db.c are commented out, but are at least there.

Yep you are right. I remembered a commit where this has been completely dropped, but in that case it was just the configure detection and AC_DEFINE routines. In IDOUtils this was gone, but as mentioned above, I've re-added that and prepared the code for libpq in order to bring this todo a bit more to reality.

Kind regards,

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

email:  michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at
phone:  +43 1 4277 14359
fax:    +43 1 4277 14279
web:    http://www.univie.ac.at/zid

Icinga Core&  IDOUtils Developer

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