On 21/07/10 15:08, Prometheus Prometheus wrote:

> head -> wall

That's about how I feel about SQL NULLs in general.

They seem like a great idea. A way of representing "unknown" or
"undefined" in a generic, consistent manner.

Or is that "a definite value that means empty or absent" ? Depends on
who you ask, which is the first problem.

Then you get to combining them with anything else in any way. Comparing
row-types or arrays with null entries. Uniqueness. Aggregation/counting.
Conceptual mismatches with the null concept in other languages, where
null/None/nil/undef means "the certain value of nothing or emptiness"
rather than "could be anything or nothing, I dunno" as it does in SQL.

SQL NULL's contradictions often remind me of early formulations of set
theory and their ... issues.


Craig Ringer

Tech-related writing: http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/

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