I have been struggling with this for a while now, have even gone down
a few paths but struck out, so I turn now to the community for ideas.
First, the problem: Store six daily variables for ~ 25 years for cells
in a grid.

 * Number of vars = 6
 * Number of cells ~ 13 million
 * Number of days ~ 9125 (25 * 365)

Optimize the store for two different kinds of queries:

Query one: Retrieve the value of a single var for all or a portion of
the cells for a single day. This is analogous to an image where every
pixel is the value of a single var.

Query two: Retrieve values for all the days or a duration of days for
a single var for a single cell. This is like grabbing a column out of
a table in which each row holds all the vars for a single day.

So, I set about designing the db. The "grid" is in a table with 13 million rows

    CREATE TABLE cells (
        cell_id      INTEGER,
        other_data ..
    WITH (

A single table *where every row is one day's values for one cell* looks like so

        yr      SMALLINT,
        yday    SMALLINT,
        a       SMALLINT,
        b       SMALLINT,
        d       SMALLINT,
        e       SMALLINT,
        f       SMALLINT,
        g       SMALLINT,
        cell_id INTEGER
    WITH (

The data would look like so

    yr      yday    a   b   c   d   e   f   g   cell_id
    1980    1       x   x   x   x   x   x   x   1
    1980    365     x   x   x   x   x   x   x   1
    1981    1       x   x   x   x   x   x   x   1
    1981    365     x   x   x   x   x   x   x   1
    2005    1       x   x   x   x   x   x   x   1
    2005    365     x   x   x   x   x   x   x   1
    1980    1       x   x   x   x   x   x   x   2
    1980    365     x   x   x   x   x   x   x   2

I could now (theoretically) conduct my queries like so:

Query 1a: Retrieve the value of a single var for all the cells for a
single day. This is analogous to an image where every pixel is the
value of a single var.

    SELECT <var> FROM d WHERE yr = ? AND yday = ?;

I assuming I would need an index on yr and yday, or perhaps even a
compound index on (yr, yday).

Query 1b: Retrieve the value of a single var for a portion of the
cells for a single day. This is analogous to an image where every
pixel is the value of a single var.

    SELECT <var> FROM d WHERE yr = ? AND yday = ? AND cell_id IN (?,?,?...);

I assuming I would need an index on yr and yday, or perhaps even a
compound index on (yr, yday) AND an index on cell_id.

Query 2: Retrieve values for all the days or a duration of days for a
single var for a single cell. This is like grabbing a column out of a
table in which each row holds all the vars for a single day.

    SELECT <var> FROM d WHERE cell_id = ?;
    SELECT <var> FROM d WHERE cell_id IN (?,?,?...);

Once again, an index on cell_id would assist in the above.

The problem: The above table would have 13 M * 9125 rows ~ 118 billion
rows. Huge indexes, slow queries, etc. In fact, major issues loading
the data in the first place. Since I am loading data in batches, I
drop the indexes (takes time), COPY data into the table (takes time),
build the indexes (takes time), experiment with improving the
performance (takes time), fail, rinse, lather, repeat. I actually
tried the above with a subset of data (around 100 M rows) and
experienced all of the above. I don't remember the query times, but
they were awful.

So, I partitioned the table into years like so

    CREATE TABLE d_<yyyy> (
        CHECK ( yr = <yyyy> )
    ) INHERITS (d)

Hmmm... still no satisfaction. I ended up with 1 master table + 25
inherited tables. Each of the year tables now had ~ 4.75 billion rows
(13 M * 365), and the queries were still very slow.

So, I partitioned it all by years and days like so

    CREATE TABLE d_<yyyy>_<yday> (
        CHECK ( yr = <yyyy> AND yday = <yday> )
    ) INHERITS (d)

Each table now has 13 million rows, and is reasonably fast (although
still not satisfactorily fast), but now I have 9K tables. That has its
own problems. I can't query the master table anymore as Pg tries to
lock all the tables and runs out of memory. Additionally, I can't
anymore conduct query two above. I could do something like

    SELECT a FROM d_1980_1 WHERE cell_id = 1
    SELECT a FROM d_1980_2 WHERE cell_id = 1
    SELECT a FROM d_1980_3 WHERE cell_id = 1
    SELECT a FROM d_1980_4 WHERE cell_id = 1

But the above is hardly optimal.

Any suggestions, ideas, brainstorms would be appreciated. Perhaps Pg,
or even a RDBMS, is not the right tool for this problem, in which
case, suggestion for alternatives would be welcome as well.

Right now I am testing this on a dual Xeon dual core 3 GHz Xserve with
12 GB RAM. The PGDATA directory is located on an attached RAID that is
configured as RAID5. Reasonable time for a query would be under 500
ms, although ultimately I would love to have the query be done under
250 ms, perhaps with RAID10, and a machine with more RAM. I have
access to a machine with dual Xeon quad core 3 GHz Xserve with 32 GB
RAM, and an internal RAID, but before I try to move the data, I want
to actually conclusively prove that Pg is the best solution (or not).
Perhaps flat files are better, perhaps blobs are better, or perhaps
Pg's array column type. Any ideas/suggestions welcome.

Oh, one more thing. Once the data are loaded and everything is
working, the data are readonly. They are historical, so they don't
need to be changed.

Puneet Kishor

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