On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 03:49:57PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
- David Kerr <d...@mr-paradox.net> writes:
- > for example: If a java program connects to the DB and does "begin;" 
- > and then internally does a "sleep 6 days"
- > Does that cauz any issues other than eating a connection to the database?
- In recent versions of PG, no.  Before about 8.3 it was a Really Bad Idea,
- because the open transaction would prevent VACUUM from reclaiming storage.
- It's *still* a Really Bad Idea to begin a transaction, do something,
- and then sleep 6 days.  But "BEGIN" without any following commands
- has been fixed to be harmless, mainly because there are so many
- badly designed clients that do exactly that ...
-                       regards, tom lane

ah ok, I think i'm in that group. We're using Talend and i think it might be
doing that, and it might be a bit of an effort to stop that from happening.

We're on 8.3.9, so hopefully it's fairly safe then?



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