2010/8/14 Stefan Wild <wild...@yahoo.de>

> Hello guys,
> I have following sorting problem and need your help. When executing this
> SELECT statement:
> "SELECT                  d.id,                  d.name,
>  d.description,         ts.name,               d.opentimestamp,
> d.initialvalue,        d.plmoney,             d.performance,
> d.performancepa,       d.currentopenmoney,    d.investedmoney,
> d.investedpercent,     d.cashmoney,           d.realizedwinmoney,
>  d.realizedlossmoney,   d.currenttotalvalue,   d.depotriskpercent,
> d.taxesratepercent,    d.taxallowance,        d.paidtaxes,
> d.paidfees             FROM c_depots d INNER JOIN c_tradingsystems ts ON
> d.tradingsystem_id=ts.id INNER JOIN cx_users_depots cx ON cx.id_depots=
> d.id INNER JOIN c_users u ON cx.id_users=u.id WHERE u.login='xxxx' ORDER
> BY UPPER(CAST (d.currenttotalvalue AS numeric) ) DESC"
> the resulting ordering is wrong:
> (d.currenttotalvalue)
> 99999999999,99
> 9999999999,99
> 999999999,99
> 99999,99
> 100947,51
> 100251,14
> 100100
> 10000000000
> 10000000000
> 100000
> I would expect:
> 99999999999,99
> 9999999999,99
> 10000000000
> 10000000000
> 999999999,99
> 99999,99
> 100947,51
> 100251,14
> 100100
> 100000
> The column currenttotalvalue has a numeric type with a length of 14 and 2
> digits for percision. The initial SELECT didn't used the CAST, but the
> result was also wrong.
> I'm (still) using the postgres version 8.2.
> Thanks for your support.

I'm just curious why do you use UPPER() function in the ORDER BY clause?


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