
I'm having a problem right now.  Some of our French users uploaded some files 
with file names that had French accent marks, and those file names were 
inserted into the Postgres database.  When I examined the value of those file 
names, they all had some weird characters (the weird characters were in the 
same position where the accent marks were entered).  I do not know how to 
handle this kind of situation.   Most of my users are US based, but I have been 
told that there will be more international users in the future.

So my questions are:
(1) What is the best character encoding that would work for most of those 
languages that have accent marks?
(2) I assume that I also need to do some kind of conversion in the front end 
(PHP) as well.

I'm running on Linux and Postgres 8.3.8.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
Mary Wang

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