Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> Excerpts from Richard Huxton's message of mié sep 01 16:39:55 -0400 2010:
>> OK - so not fillfactor and not some unicode-related padding. I can't see 
>> how a 32 vs 64-bit architecture change could produce anything like a 
>> doubling of database size.

> Depending on table schemas, why not?  e.g. consider a table with a
> single bool column.  It will waste 7 bytes on 8-byte MAXALIGN machine
> but only 3 on a 4-byte MAXALIGN machine.

Yeah, but after you account for row header overhead, the worst-case
percentage bloat still should be a lot less than 2X.

It would help if Devrim could break down the bloat to the level of
individual tables/indexes.

                        regards, tom lane

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