> > I'm interested in the "incrementally updated backups" scenario
> > described in section 25.6 of the Postgres 9 documentation. I've
> > configured streaming replication for my warm standby server.
> >
> > Step 2 in this procedure is to note?pg_last_xlog_replay_location at
> > the end of the backup. However it seems like this requires hot standby
> > to be configured; otherwise there is no way of connecting to the
> > standby machine to make the required query. That does not seem clear
> > from the documentation. Is there a way to get this without using hot
> > standby?
> That section has been removed from the current 9.0 docs because we are
> unsure it works.

Is the feature (or the documentation) still being worked on, or is pg_dump
the only way to take a backup of a warm standby while the database is



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