On Sep 16, 2010, at 12:28 PM, Sam Mason wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:42:21AM -0400, Aram Fingal wrote:
>> create table results(
>> expt_no int references experiments(id),
>> subject int references subjects(id),
>> drug text references drugs(name),
>> dose numeric,
>> response numeric
>> )
> What's the primary key?  I presume it's (expt_no,subject,drug,dose).

Yes that's correct.  I copied and simplified from the actual table, which has a 
lot more in the table definition.  

>> Now, suppose I do some computation on the results in the database and
>> want to export it back out to the same kind of format that I received
>> it (drugs and doses in rows and subjects in columns.)
> Have you tried setting up an ODBC data source to the database and use
> the PivotTable functionality in Excel to do the transformation?

I have thought about that but later on, when we do the full sized experiments, 
there will be too many rows for Excel to handle.

> If you want to do the transformation in SQL, you'd be writing something
> like:
>  SELECT drug, dose
>    MIN(CASE subject WHEN 1 THEN response END) AS resp_1,
>    MIN(CASE subject WHEN 2 THEN response END) AS resp_2,
>    MIN(CASE subject WHEN 3 THEN response END) AS resp_3
>  FROM results
>  WHERE expt_no = 1
>    AND subject IN (1,2,3)
>  GROUP BY drug, dose
>  ORDER BY drug, dose;

That's a good trick to know but I just tried it and found that it begins to get 
complicated with the actual data.  It also returns a separate row for each 
drug/dose/subject combination which isn't exactly what I want.  Each row has 
one column with a value and the rest of the columns in that row are all <null>.

> Or you can use the tablefunc contrib module as suggested by Uwe.  I
> prefer doing it by hand as you get more options, but it can be quite
> tedious if you've got lots of columns you're trying to deal with.

I guess I need to read up on pivot tables.  At first glance, this looks like 
the best solution.


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