On Tue, 2010-09-21 at 14:56 -0500, Rhys A.D. Stewart wrote:
> hey all,
> I think versioned pl/[pgsql|python|perl|bash|java] functions would be
> a great addition to 9.1. Imagine that instead of CREATE OR REPLACE
> FUNCTION you could do CREATE AND VERSION FUNCTION and then all
> modifications to the function could be versioned so that you could
> revert/rollback to a specific version of the function a la
> git/svn...and then you could do diffs and what not so that you
> wouldn't have to rely on text files which get lost because they were
> on a tiny jump drive.....

Hmmm, it seems this could be done relatively simply with the ability to
put triggers on system catalogs. The tablelog contrib function would
allow us to do this.

> Just my $1.70
> Regards,
> Rhys
> Peace & Love|Live Long & Prosper

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