On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Doug Semig wrote:

> I actually analyzed it once.  I came to the conclusion that to do it right
> it would be easier to make an almost entirely new db but use the same
> external interfaces as PostgreSQL.  To do a kludge of it, one might just
> implement a tier that sits between the user and a bunch of standard
> PostgreSQL backends.
> It'd make a neat companion project, though.  Like PG/Enterprise or
> PG/Warehouse or something.

I'm currently developing a simple version of such a system as an 
university project. It is a fairly simple aproach with a proxy or a
distributor in front of a bunch of standard postgresl database servers.

The proxy monitors and forwards the requests from the clients to the
database servers. If it is a read-only request the query is forwarded to
the databaseserver currently experiencing the lowest load/most free
memory, otherwise it is sent to all database servers.

This approach obviously only performs well in systems with a high ratio of
read-only queries, such as search engines and so on.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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