Jeff Ross <> writes:
> On 10/05/10 10:35, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Huh ... what version of libreadline (or libedit) are you using exactly?
>> How did the large dump get in there?

> According to the README in the source, this is "Gnu Readline library, 
> version 4.3.".

Well, that's not terribly new, but still ...

> I'm not sure how the dump got in there.  I have a table of US Cities, 
> Zip Codes and lat/long data in one of the databases and the contents of 
> that table were in the history file twice.

When you say "contents of the table", what do you mean exactly?  Did it
look like COPY data, psql SELECT output, or what?  I'm still quite
confused about how data that you didn't type got into the history.

If you still have the file on backup media, it might be useful to look
at the last few history lines before each instance of the table

                        regards, tom lane

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