On 5 Oct 2010, at 10:21, AI Rumman wrote:

> explain analyze
> select cf_1507 
> from cf_1507 
> inner join role2picklist on 
> role2picklist.picklistvalueid=cf_1507.picklist_valueid 
> where roleid!='H1' order by sortid

A few indexes on role2picklist.sortid and cf_1507.picklist_valueid would 
probably help.

> \d role2picklist
>   Table "public.role2picklist"
>   Column | Type | Modifiers 
> -----------------+------------------------+-----------
>  roleid | character varying(255) | not null
>  picklistvalueid | integer | not null
>  picklistid | integer | not null
>  sortid | integer | 
> Indexes:
>   "role2picklist_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (roleid, picklistvalueid, 
> picklistid)
>   "fk_2_role2picklist" btree (picklistid)
>   "role2picklist_picklistvalueid_idx" btree (picklistvalueid)
>   "role2picklist_roleid_picklistid_idx" btree (roleid, picklistid, 
> picklistvalueid)
> \d cf_1507 
>   Table "public.cf_1507"
>   Column | Type | Modifiers  
> ------------------+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------
>  cf_1507id | integer | not null default nextval('cf_1507_seq'::regclass)
>  cf_1507 | character varying(200) | not null
>  presence | integer | not null default 1
>  picklist_valueid | integer | not null default 0
> Indexes:
>   "cf_1507_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cf_1507id)

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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