On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Mike Christensen <m...@kitchenpc.com> wrote:
> My production server is running Postgres 9.0 on Ubuntu Server, and I'm
> getting some errors in sprocs that call uuid_generate_v1()..  This is
> because the function is missing.
> On my Windows box, this function would automatically be installed as
> part of the database..  If I try to create the function with:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uuid_generate_v1()
>  RETURNS uuid AS
> '$libdir/uuid-ossp', 'uuid_generate_v1'
>  COST 1;
> I get:
> ERROR: could not load library
> "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib/postgresql/uuid-ossp.so": libuuid.so.16:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> SQL state: 58P01
> How do I get this working under Linux?  Thanks!!

Have you installed the contrib package?  Often there's an associated
.sql file to turn a contrib module on in a given database.  It'll be
in something like /usr/share usually

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