This message is CCed to Dave Page, because his name is found in
startserver.vbs script discussed later.
I think there is a (minor?) problem with 8.4.5 Windows installer from
EnterpriseDB (probably othere releases as well - didn't check).
Here is an abstract from the "tail" of my installation log file:
Starting the database server...
Executing cscript //NoLogo
"C:\VectorDB\installer\server\startserver.vbs" PostgreSQL
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
 Starting PostgreSQL
Service PostgreSQL started successfully
startserver.vbs ran to completion
Script stderr:
Loading additional SQL modules...
Executing cscript //NoLogo
"C:\VectorDB\installer\server\loadmodules.vbs" "postgres" "****"
"C:\VectorDB" "C:\VectorDB\data" 5432 "1"
Script exit code: 2
Script output:
 Installing pl/pgsql in the template1 databases...
Start DoCmd("C:\VectorDB\bin\psql.exe" -p 5432 -U postgres -c "CREATE
LANGUAGE plpgsql;" template1)...
    Executing 'C:\Users\vmwin7\AppData\Local\Temp\rad87CE4.bat'...
psql: FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    End DoCmd()
Failed to install pl/pgsql in the 'template1' database
Installing the adminpack module in the postgres database...
Start DoCmd("C:\VectorDB\bin\psql.exe" -p 5432 -U postgres -f
"C:\VectorDB\share\contrib\adminpack.sql" postgres)...
    Executing 'C:\Users\vmwin7\AppData\Local\Temp\rad87CE4.bat'...
psql: FATAL:  the database system is starting up
    End DoCmd()
Failed to install the 'adminpack' module in the 'postgres' database
loadmodules.vbs ran to completion
Script stderr:
 Program ended with an error exit code

According to this code in startserver.vbs:
' Find the service
Set objService = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &
strServiceName & "'")
' Start it (them)
If objService.State <> "Running" Then
    WScript.Echo "Starting " & objService.Name
    iRetval = objService.StartService()
    If iRetval = 0 Then
        WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " started
        WScript.Echo "Failed to start the database server (" & iRetVal &
        WScript.Quit 1
    End If
    WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " is already running"
End If

here is what happened on my system: 
1. startserver.vbs sends a signal to Postgresql service to start:
"iRetval = objService.StartService()"
2.  Postgres accepted the signal and set iRetval = 0, but didn't start
yet (admittedely machine was busy doing something else at the same time)
3. VB script assumes that service is started (without actually checking
it's status) and proceeds trying to connect to PG (while running next
installation VB script - loadmodules.vbs, according to installation
I realize it's a rare situation when machine will be busy with something
else while installing Postgres.
But, it still can happen, and "stricter" code could avoid this problem:6
' Find the service
Set objService = objWMIService.Get("Win32_Service.Name='" &
strServiceName & "'")
' Start it (them)
If objService.State <> "Running" Then
    WScript.Echo "Starting " & objService.Name
    iRetval = objService.StartService()
    If iRetval = 0 Then
        Do Until objService.State = "Running"
        WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " started
        WScript.Echo "Failed to start the database server (" & iRetVal &
        WScript.Quit 1
    End If
    WScript.Echo "Service " & objService.Name & " is already running"
End If

If it really waits for service to start, checking it's status in a loop.
Same status check probably needed earlier in the script, where it's
trying to start dependencies services.
oh, and I have to admit that I have zero VB scripting experience, so
please correct me if my code modification is wrong.
Igor Neyman

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