Merlin Moncure wrote on 01.11.2010 21:13:
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 6:46 AM, Thomas Kellerer<>  wrote:

I have created a temporary table using

create temporary table foo
  id integer

and noticed this was created in a schema called "pg_temp_2"

My question is:

is this always "pg_temp_2"?
Or will the name of the "temp schema" change?

If it isn't always the same, is there a way I can retrieve the schema name
for temporary tables?

Curious why you'd want to do this -- temporary magic schemas are an
implementation artifact, and there shouldn't ever be a reason to
directly reference them.

Yes and no ;)

The problem is, that the JDBC driver only returns information about the temp 
tables, if I specify that schema directly.


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