On Nov 7, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Anders Söderman wrote:

> Hello – I´m trying to install PostgreSQL and PostGIS ”asking” PostgreSQL to 
> store data on my new Netgear NAS Duo LAN-disk in a Windows XP sp2  
> environment. 
> In the Setup Wizard I accept C:\Program\PostgreSQL\9.0
> and I change C:\Program\PostgreSQL\9.0\data to either  
> //R1/aa_db/PostgreSQL\9.0\data or P:\PostgreSQL\9.0\data where   P:\  =  
> //R1/aa_db/   on the computer from which I´m installing Postgresql.
> R1 is the name of the Netgear disk och aa_db the Share/folder I want to store 
> the PostgreSQL data in.
> I have tried every possible combination I can think of. Sometimes the 
> installation seems to work, but in pgAdmin “Connected?” says “No”. If I try 
> to install PostGIS afterwards I crashes during the EnterpriseDB Stackbuilder 
> installation. 
> After several hours I can´t find any useful information in the manual or on 
> the FORUMs. 
> If anybody could give me a hint where I should look I would be so happy. 
> Regards Anders Söderman Stockholm Sweden
What exactly is the error message you get while installing PostgreSQL? Can you 
attach the installation log (%TEMP%\install-postgresql.log) or 
(%TEMP%\bitrock_installer_<some number>.log).

Sachin Srivastava
EnterpriseDB, the Enterprise PostgreSQL company.

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