On 2010-11-22 20.41, anypossibility wrote:
Server: OS X 10.5
PostgreSQL version: 8.3

We experience this connection maxing out once in the full moon.
The request from client reaches to the server but client never receive response 
The queries are very simple update on one record or select one record using 
primary key (checked current_query from pg_stat_activity).
Once this started, I normally disconnect all the client (quit client programs) 
however, the processes don't die on postgres server.
So I tried to quit PostgreSQL server using pg_ctl, no response. The only way to 
terminate is to restart the server (I will try kill -s INT next time.. i didn't 
know better).
Is there anything you can tell me from this symptoms or anything I can do to 
generate useful log to analyze?

If track_activities is on in your postgresql.conf you can check pg_stats_activity to see what query creates the problem.

Maybe http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/monitoring-stats.html can give you some more ideas.

Robert "roppert" Gravsjö

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