I'm converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL (actually flipping/flopping back) and have a question:
MySQL has a cool function sec_to_time() which converts your number of seconds to hh:mm:ss
I've read thru the mailing lists and am basically trying to implement the following:
select sec_to_time(sum(unix_timestamp(enddate) - unix_timestamp(startdate))) from foo;
select XXX(sum(date_part('epoch',enddate) - date_part('epoch',startdate))) from foo;
I just need to know what XXX is/can be.  I've tried a lot of combinations of the documented functions and come up with useless conversions.
George Johnson
PS:  i can't find documentation on how to load the functions in contrib.  I can compile and
       install them O.K., but not sure how to make them load.

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