On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 07:27:08PM -0800, Joel Burton wrote:
> > Given UNIONs are not implemented within views in 7.0.3, what are 
> the
> > generally suggested work-arounds, if any?
> Ick. We just did the full SELECTs all the time. A pain.
> FYI, this is fixed in 7.1. Beta Real Soon Now.

        Out of curiosity, what is the advantage, other then simplification
of the query itself, of using a view over a straight select?

Adam Haberlach           |A cat spends her life conflicted between a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |deep, passionate, and profound for fish and
http://www.newsnipple.com|an equally deep, passionate, and profound
'88 EX500                |desire to avoid getting wet.

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