Hi Tom,

Due to the responses I received, I am now thoroughly convinced of the need to upgrade & have passed this information on. We are running RHEL 4.1 which is why the newer version did not install with RHEL. I initially was using an older version of psqlodbc, but decided to upgrade to the latest on my test machine hoping it would help. The users have the older psqlodbc. I will ask the pgsql-odbc group next. Thank you for your suggestions!

Best regards,

On 01/02/2011 9:41 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Karen Springer<karen.sprin...@cobham.com>  writes:
I have a problem that has me stumped.  We have a table that is the main
table in a production Microsoft Access application.  Our users are
complaining that sometimes they enter data in the form, move off of the
record&  then upon returning to the record the data reverts back to what
existed in the field prior to the entry.
FWIW, that sounds like it's entirely a client-side issue.  So you might
have better luck asking about it in pgsql-odbc.

We are using PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on Red Hat, Microsoft Access 2002&
As noted elsewhere, 8.1.4 is really old (more than 4 years old in fact).
It's likely not helping any that you're using a fresh-off-the-boat
psqlodbc version with it --- I don't know that anyone would have done
any significant testing of 09_00_0200 against an 8.1.x server.

Red Hat is currently shipping Postgres 8.4.x for RHEL-5 (see the
"postgresql84" package set).  It'd be a good thing to consider updating
to 8.4.x sometime soon.  I doubt it'll fix this immediate problem, but
it will likely save your data from getting eaten sometime in the future.

                        regards, tom lane


*Karen Springer *

CobhamAvionics, Communications


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