On Sunday 16 January 2011 1:49:43 pm Steve Litt wrote:
> On Sunday 16 January 2011 16:02:12 Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
> > If you have configured PG to listen on a TCP/IP port (5432 by default),
> > you can also do:
> >
> >    psql -U postgres -h localhost super
> >
> > Ray.
> Thanks Ray,
> You were sooooo close! The command that works is this:
> psql -U super -h localhost super
> That's because the super database is owned by the super user, in this
> particular case. Interestingly enough, even though I've set my port to be
> 5433 instead of 5432, it wasn't necessary for me to add -p 5433.

The change will not take effect until you restart the server. At that point you 
will need to specify the port.

> Your method has the big benefit of being able to supervise from a Postgres
> Superuser who doesn't have a Linux account (super, in this case). Thanks
> for the info!

See here for a more in depth look at client authentication:

> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Recession Relief Package
> http://www.recession-relief.US
> Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

Adrian Klaver

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